Monero Meetups Barcelona: Introduction to Privacy & XMR
Monero Meetups Barcelona: Introduction to Privacy & XMR

We're thrilled to announce the first Monero Meetup in Barcelona! 🌟 This event is all about bringing together Monero enthusiasts, newcomers, and privacy advocates to explore the significance of privacy, learn about Monero (XMR), and connect with like-minded individuals. Plus, enjoy some delicious tapas 🍢 and drinks 🍹 on us!


  • Meet and Greet: Begin with a friendly atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to welcome others, setting the stage for an inclusive event.

  • Goals of Monero Meetups: Brief presentation on our mission and what we envision for our community.

  • Introduction to Privacy & XMR: Discover why privacy matters and how Monero contributes to this essential digital right.

  • Cake Wallet Onboarding and Giveaway/Raffle: Set up your Monero wallet and enter our raffle for a chance to win Monero-related prizes!

  • Peer-to-Peer Exchange and Networking: Learn about Monero's P2P exchange system and connect with fellow attendees and local merchants.

Why You Should Attend:

  • Gain a solid understanding of Monero and its significance in the current digital era. 📚

  • Enjoy tapas and drinks while networking with fellow Monero enthusiasts and experts. 🍻

  • Learn how to securely set up and use Monero for your transactions. 🔐

  • Participate in our raffle and win exciting Monero-related prizes! 🏆

3 months ago
AKASHA Hub Barcelona
Carrer de la Verneda, 19, Barcelona, CT